Hi everyone,
I wanted to provide you with information about the upcoming "Post Party Summit" activist training at the Fercroft Sheraton in Danvers, May 7th - 8th. The event in our area is one in a series of many being held nationwide. Local talk radio favorites Michael Graham and Todd Feinburg will be joined by conservative commentator and author S.E. Cupp as the summit's featured speakers. Here's what the group primarily responsible for these summits, American Majority, has to say:
Government Has Failed You.
We are in a fascinating time. One in which rising deficits, bigger government, and the threat of new taxation when there is clearly no representation threaten to divide and ruin our country. Yet, these injustices have fueled a revival of the new conservative movement. Millions of Americans are engaging in the political process for the first time, brought to protest over the injustices in government at all levels. While protests bring us together in passion, they are not a strategy for meaningful reform. Let us take the next step together.
Now Is Your Time.
The Post-Party Summits represent the beginning of the new American Revolution, one in which we organize for liberty and take back our communities from the political class. Each event is designed to maximize your time and provide you with real-world strategies and tactics that you can apply immediately. We have brought together some of the country's best in messaging, political organizing, leadership training, new media, etc. to offer each of you the opportunity to move beyond protest to implementing freedom. Now is your time, what will you do with it?"
If you're interested in learning more about the training, you can see an itinerary, including topics to be discussed, here. To purchase tickets for $52.24, you can click on the link on the top of the aforementioned link, or call 508-857-6138 (FYI, I'm the one taking the calls).
Personally, I'm excited about this event, because I had the pleasure of getting to know the folks at American Majority during my time on the American Liberty Tour. Their trainings are absolutely fantastic, because they give activists both the knowledge and tools they need to actively create, as Ned Ryun says, a "conservative farm team" - which with time and dedication, will play an indispensable role in re-instituting a government by the people, for the people. The political class has been engaged for years while everyday people like you and I have gone about our lives, (creating the wealth that sustains them, of course). For too long, we've allowed them to get away with far too much. It's time to change that - and this summit will teach you how to do so effectively.
I hope to see you there!
- Corie Whalen
Boston Post Party Summit on Facebook.
American Majority on Twitter.
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